Chair in Urban and Regional Economics
Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher
5th Floor | Room 5047
Email: gernot.grabher(at)
Lecturers & Researchers
Marie Hoop, M.A.
5th Floor | Room 5006b
Dr. habil. Joachim Thiel
5th Floor | Room 5006a
Student Assistants
Simon Geers
5th Floor |?Room 5006a
Email: simon.geers(at)
Prof. David Stark
Columbia University, Department of Sociology
13/02 - 15/02/23
Prof. Luís Carvalho
University of Porto, Faculty of Economics and Management (FEP)
01/12/18 - 28/02/19
Prof. Stoyan V. Sgourev
ESSEC Business School Paris, Management Department
04/06 - 06/06/18
Prof. Mark Lorenzen
Copenhagen Business School,?Department of Strategy and Innovation
04/06 - 06/06/14
Prof. Johannes Glückler
Heidelberg University, Economic and Social Geography
06/05 - 07/05/14
Prof. Johanna Hautala
University of Oulo, Department of Geography and Geology
09/05 - 11/05/12
Prof. Lars Frederiksen
Aarhus University,?Innovation Management Group
19/04 - 21/04/12
Dr. Hugues Jeannerat
University of Neuchatel, Groupe de?Recherche?en Economie Territoriale?(GRET)
01/04/11 - 01/02/12
Prof. David Stark
Columbia University, Department of Sociology
01/11 - 06/11/11
Prof.?Henry Wai-chung Yeung
National University of Singapore, Department of Geography
20/05 - 22/05/10
Prof.?Ash Amin
Durham University, Institue of Advanced Study
20/10 - 24/10/09
Dr. Erwin van Tuijl
Dr. Alessandra Manganelli
Dr. Branislav Machala
Dipl. Geogr. Johannes Dreher
Dr. habil. Alexandra Manske
Alice Melchior, M.A.
Dipl. Wi.Geogr. Jonas K?nig
Dipl. Geogr. Constanze Engelbrecht
Dr. Tim Heinemann