M.Sc. Marcel Tr?ger
Marcel Tr?ger is a Landscape Architect and Urban Designer (TU Berlin and ENSP Versailles).
Between 2018-2022, Marcel worked for internationally acclaimed landscape architectural offices (Vogt Landscape and as project leader at bgmr Landscape Architects) on multidimensional strategies and design projects. Since 2019, he has served as visiting lecturer for design studios at the TU Berlin and the BTU Cottbus, as well as jury member and guescrit at different universities. Marcel is recipient of numerous awards in international planning and idea competitions, such as the LILA Award 2022, the Schinkel- and Lenné-Prize or at the Europan 16.
He is the founder of studio erde - office for anthropocene landscapes, a design agency working on transscalar and interdisciplinary projects in between landscape, ecology and urban design.
Marcel joined the HCU 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 and the Chair of Prof. Stokman in September 2022 as Research and Teaching Associate, teaching and working on his PHD on “Principles for a Baukunst of the Anthropocene”.
2012-2016 I B.Sc. Landscape Architecture & Planning, TU Berlin & ENSP Versailles
2016-2020 I M.Sc. Urban Design, TU Berlin
2015-2019 I Freelance Work as Landscape Architect & Tutor TU Berlin, Prof. Giseke
2019-2022 | Visiting Lecturer BTU Cottbus & TU Berlin
2018-2019 | Vogt Landschaft, Berlin
2019-2022 | bgmr Landschaftsarchitekten, Berlin
since 2020: founder, studio erde_office for anthropocene landscapes
since 09/2022: Research & Teaching Associate, HCU 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网
Entwurfslehre Bachelor Architektur:
Bachelor Studio Architecture: “Anthropoz?ne Landschafts-Zukünfte für das Baakenh?ft“, 2022/23
Master Studios and Seminars BTU Cottbus:
Seminar Landscape Architecture and Public Space Design, 2019-2020
Studio “Dead Spaces: The Future of Death “, 2021
Studio “Archaeologies of the Future: the anthropocene landscapes of the Lausitz “, 2021/22
Studio “Fluid Encounters- designing new water-land relationships in the Ahrtal “, 2022
Bachelor Studio TU Berlin: ?R?ume und Raumsysteme: Visionen für die A100“, 2021/22