Ver?ffentlichungen | Publications
Auf dieser Seite finden Sie eine Liste aktueller Publikationen aus unserem Team.
Salaymeh, Abdulraheem; Peters, Irene; Holler, Stefan (2024). Factoring Building Refurbishment and Climatic Effect into Heat Demand Assessments and Forecasts: Case Study and Open Datasets for Germany. In:?Energies?2024,?17(3), 690;?
Salaymeh, Abdulraheem; Peters, Irene; Holler, Stefan (2023).?Nutzbarkeit von Open Data in der W?rmesystemanalyse: Fallstudie zur zukunftssicheren Fernw?rme. Konferenzbeitrag zur?1 . Konferenz zur Norddeutschen W?rmeforschung.?DOI:?10.48547/202310-012
Vuthi, Petrit; Peters, Irene & Sudeikat, Jan (2022). Agent-Based Modeling (ABM) for Urban Neighborhood Energy Systems: Literature Review and Proposal for an All-Integrative ABM Approach, Energy Informatics 5 (Suppl 4), 55 (2022). DOI
Peters, Irene; Dochev. Ivan; Weidlich, Ingo (2021). Stellungnahme Energiewirtschaft: Diskussion um die Fernw?rmeversorgung von 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Euroheat & Power, 9/2021, S.20-23.
Dochev, Ivan; Gorzalka, Philip; Weiler, Verena; Schmiedt, Jacob Estevam; Linkiewicz, Magdalena; Eicker, Ursula; Hoffschmidt, Bernhard; Peters, Irene; Schr?ter, Bastian (2020). Calculating urban heat demands: An analysis of two modelling approaches and remote sensing for input data and validation. Energy and Buildings Volume 226, 1 November 2020, 110378.
Dochev, Ivan; Seller, Hannes;?Peters, Irene (2020). Assigning energetic archetypes to a digital cadastre and estimating building heat demand. An example from 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Germany. Environmental and Climate Technologies, 24(1).
Dochev, Ivan; Seller, Hannes; Peters, Irene (2019).?Spatial aggregation and visualisation of urban heat demand using graph theory. An example from 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Germany.?International Journal of Sustainable Eenrgy Planning and Management, Vol 24. (2019).
Dochev, Ivan; Peters, Irene (2019). Potential for utilising near surface geothermal heat via heat pumps. A case study from 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, in Wittmann, J. et al.: Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften - Workshop Kassel 2019, Shaker, Aachen 2019.
Seller, Hannes; Husemann, Martin;?Peters, Irene (2019).?Developing a GIS tool for planning and connecting urban habitats, in Wittmann, J. et al.: Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften - Workshop Kassel 2019, Shaker, Aachen 2019.
Joseph, Sarah; Peters, Irene; Friedrich, Hanno (2019): Can Regional Organic Agriculture Feed the Regional Community? A Case Study for 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 and North Germany. Ecological Economics. Volume 164, October 2019, 106342.
Dochev, Ivan; Schuchardt, Georg; Seller, Hannes;?Peters, Irene (2018).?Analysing district heating potential with linear heat density. A case study from 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网.?Energy Procedia.?Volume 149, September 2018, Pages 410-419.
Dochev, Ivan;?Mu?oz, Esteban; Seller, Hannes; Peters, Irene (2017).?Assigning IWU Building Types to Buildings in the 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 ALKIS. 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网
Dochev, Ivan;?Seller, Hannes; Peters, Irene (2017).?Aggregation approaches for GEWISS project (Working title). 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 (Download)
Preisler, Thomas; Dethlefs, Tim; Dochev, Ivan; Renz, Wolfgang; Seller, Hannes (2017).?Towards an Agent-based Simulation of Building Stock Development for the City of 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网.?Federal Conference on Computer Science and Inforamtion Systems (FedCSIS), Prag.
Schotten, Maike; Jochen Schiewe; Peters, Irene (2016).?WebGIS-basierte Potenzialabsch?tzung des industriellen Abw?rmeanfalls.?Praxisbeitrag. AGIT (Journal für Angewandte Geoinformationstechnik) 2-2016.
Dochev, Ivan (2016).?Computing Residential Heat Demand in Urban Space using QGIS. A Case Study for Shumen, Bulgaria.?Peer reviewed conference contribution REAL Corp 2016, 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网.
Seller, Hannes; Peters, Irene (2016).?Comparing algorithms for identifying critical heat densities in urban space.?Peer reviewed conference contribution REAL Corp 2016, 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网.
Mu?oz, Esteban; Dochev, Ivan; Seller, Hannes; Peters, Irene (2016).?Enriching the 3D City-Model for the simulation of urban heat demand.?Peer reviewed conference contribution REAL Corp 2016, 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网.
Mu?oz, Esteban (2016).?Construction of building typologies from a regional material catalog: Assessment of urban heat demand and the environmental impact of retrofit policies.?Management of Environmental Quality - An international journal, 27(6).
Mu?oz, Esteban (2016).?A national heat demand model for Germany.?In 1st Workshop on Agent Based Modelling of Urban Systems (ABMUS)
Mu?oz, Esteban; Dochev, Ivan; Seller, Hannes; Peters, Irene (2016).?Constructing a synthetic city for estimating spatially disaggregated heat demand.?International Journal of Microsimulation, –in Press.
Mu?oz, Esteban; Dochev, Ivan (2016).?A spatial microsimulation model for the estimation of heat demand in 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网.?In 21st International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society GeoMultimedia.
Mu?oz, Esteban; Peters, Irene (2016). Estimating primary energy demand of domestic heat consumption in Germany with microdata.?In Urban Transitions Global Summit, 2016.
Mu?oz, Esteban (2015). heat:?R package to estimate heat demand of residential buildings.?, 2015.
Mu?oz, Esteban (2015).?Enriching the digital cadastre with material properties for the simulation of heat demand and life cycle analysis of the building stock.?In 14th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA).
Mu?oz, Esteban; Peters, Irene (2015).?Berücksichtigung des Nutzers in der Sch?tzung der W?rmenachfrage von Geb?uden.?In: Energieatlas Werkbericht 1. Zukunftskonzept Erneuerbares Wilhelmsburg. Hrsg. von IBA 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 GmbH, Umweltbundesamt und TU Darmstadt, Januar 2015 S.128-132
Mu?oz, Esteban; Tanton, Robert; Vidattama, Yogi (2015).?A comparison of the GREGWT and IPF methods for the re-weighting of surveys.?In 5th World Congress of the International Microsimulation Association (IMA).
Mu?oz, Esteban; Tanton, Robert; Vidattama, Yogi (2015).?The influence of an ageing population and an efficient building stock on heat consumption patterns.?In 5th World Congress of the International Microsimulation Association (IMA).
Nouvel, Romain; Bahu, Jean-Marie; Kaden, Robert; Kaempf, Jerome; Cipriano, Piergiorgio; Lauster, Moritz; Haefele, Karl-Heinz; Mu?oz, Esteban; Tournaire, Olivier; Casper, Egbert (2015).?Development of the citygml application domain extension energy for urban energy simulation.?In 14th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA).
Nouvel, Romain; Bahu, Jean-Marie; Kaden, Robert; Kaempf, Jerome; Cipriano, Piergiorgio; Lauster, Moritz; Brenner, Joachim; Mu?oz, Esteban; Tournaire, Olivier; Casper, Egbert (2015).?Genesis of the citygml energy ade.?In CISBAT 2015. EPFL-ENAC-LESO-PB, 2015.
Magazowski, Christoph; Peters, Irene (2014).?Pricing the Service from New Decentralized Sanitation Systems: An Exploration for the German Context.?Presented in the peer-reviewed track of the 50th ISOCARP Congress, Gdynia, Poland, September 2014.? Also appearing in the ISOCARP Review 10, Water and Cities: Managing a Vital Relationship.
Brückner, Sara; Hans Sch?fers; Irene Peters; Eberhard L?vemann (2014).?Using industrial and commercial waste heat for residential heat supply: A case study from 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Germany.?In:? Sustainable Cities and Society, October 2014, 139-142
Mu?oz, Esteban; Peters, Irene (2014).?Constructing an urban microsimulation model to assess the influenece of demographics on heat consumption.?In:International Journal of Microsimulation - (2014) 7(1) p. 127-157
Magazowski, Christoph (2014).?Kanalparit?t von Neuartigen Sanit?rsystemen (NASS).?Zeitung für Kommunalwirtschaft (ZfK) - Ausgabe 03/14.
Mu?oz, Esteban (2014).?A microsimulation approach to generate occupancy rates of small urban areas.?In 2nd Asia Conference on International Building Performance Simulation Associatio, IBPSA Japan, Nagoya University, Japan.
Magazowski, Christoph; Peters, Irene (2013).?Die Tariflandschaft der deutschen Siedlungswasserwirtschaft vor dem Hintergrund der Anforderungen des Artikels 9 WRRL.?In: Kommunalwirtschaft (Zeitschrift für das gesamte Verwaltungswesen, die sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Aufgaben der St?dte, Landkreise und Landgemeinden) - Ausgabe 08-09/13.
Mu?oz, Esteban; Peters, Irene (2013).?Constructing an urban microsimulation model to assess the influenece of demographics on heat consumption.?In: 4th General Conference of the International Microsimulation Association, Canberra.
Mu?oz, Esteban (2013).?Development of a method to map and estimate urban stress in open spaces with help of geo-spatial analysis techniques.?In: Acta technica Napocensis, Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca.
Magazowski, Christoph (2012).?Anreizbasierte Tarifgestaltung in der deutschen Siedlungswasserwirtschaft.?In: Zeitung für Kommunalwirtschaft (ZfK) - Ausgabe 07/12.
Magazowski, Christoph (2011).?Rekommunalisierung stadttechnischer Infrastrukturen: Ein Déjà-vu?.?In: RaumPlanung Ausgabe 158/159.
Peters, Irene; Schweiger, Anton; Magazowski, Christoph (2011).?Rekommunalisierung stadttechnischer Dienstleistungen.?In: Neues Verwaltungsmanagement.
Meinzinger, Franziska; Ziedorn, Volker; Peters, Irene (2010).?Interactions Between Urban Forms and Source-Separating Sanitation Technologies.?In: Social Perspectives on the Sanitation Challenge, Chapter 8, ed. By Vliet, B.V.; P. Osterveer; G. Spargaaren.?Springer, S. 125-143.
Peters, Irene (2010).?Herausforderungen und Chancen für st?dtische Energiepolitik.?In: Energieatlas Wilhelmsburg. Hrsg. von Hegger, M., in Zusammenarbeit mit der IBA 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 GmbH.
Peters, Irene; Schweiger, Anton (2010).?Konsequenzen technologischer Entwicklungen von Ver- und Entsorgungssystemen.?In: Zukunftsf?hige Infrastruktur und Regionalentwicklung. Handlungserfordernisse für Ver- und Ent- sorgungssysteme. Hrsg. von Tietz, H.P. – Arbeit im Rahmen der Forschungsgruppen DigitalCity und REAP.
Peters, Irene; Magazowski, Christoph; Schweiger, Anton (2010).?Rekommunalisierung.?In: Neues Verwaltungsmanagement, Oktober 2010. Arbeit im Rahmen der Forschungsgruppen DigitalCity und REAP.
Peters, Irene; Brosziewski, H.-U.; Sch?fers, Hans (2010).?St?dtebauliche Herausforderungen der Energieversorgung von morgen.?Internes Gutachten im Rahmen des Projekts "Infrastruktur und Stadtentwicklung" des Deutschen Instituts für Urbanistik im Auftrag der Wüstenrot-Stiftung und Teil des gleichnamigen Bandes, hrsg. von Libbe, J., K?hler, H., und Beckmann, K.J.. – Arbeit im Rahmen der Forschungsgruppen DigitalCity und REAP.
Peters, Irene; Schweiger, Anton (2010).?Wirtschaftstheoretische Grundlagen der Regionalentwicklung.?In: Zukunftsf?hige Infrastruktur und Regionalentwicklung. Handlungserfordernisse für Ver- und Entsorgungssysteme. Hrsg. von Tietz, H.P. – Arbeit im Rahmen der Forschungsgruppen DigitalCity und REAP.